Sea Kayak Training
Sea Sherpa Kayak LLC focuses on open water skills and leadership related trainings.
Whether you are new to coastal kayaking or an experienced rough water enthusiast, we offer events that are a good fit for you.
Gerry is certified to work in active, offshore waters by both the American Canoe Association and The British Canoe Union.
He caters his events to the participants and conditions - no predetermined itineraries or dog-and-pony shows.

Private &
Semi-Private Events

Create A Custom Event
Sea Sherpa Kayak offers private and semi private custom events. These are super efficient and focused on your individual wants and needs. Whether you are interested in personal skills in conditions, leadership, navigation, incident management, conditions forecasting, expeditionary skills or just getting out for an active water play day, privates are a great option.
Custom events are for 1-5 paddlers and are available many weekdays and weekends From mid April through mid November.
1 Paddler……………………..$400
2 Paddlers..…………….….....$250/each
3 Paddlers………………..…..$175/each
4 Paddlers………………..…..$150/each
5 + Paddlers...........................$125/each
Days run rain or shine and will only be cancelled due to freakishly bad weather or due to an emergency.
Pricing is based on event being local (CT/RI) to Gerry.
Gerry POlinsky
Expeditioning since 1981
Registered Maine Guide
Wilderness First Aid Cert
BCU 5 Star Advanced Sea Leader
ACA L5 Advanced Open Water Instructor
NOLS Trained Winter Outdoor Educator
Coming from a background of winter mountaineering and guiding, Gerry embraces the high adventure potential in sea kayak coaching. He takes advantage of his local waters, frequently paddling in rocks, surf and races.
Gerry started Sea Sherpa Kayak in 2009 and has continued to focus on his own certifications which now include ACA L5 Advanced Open Water Instructor, BCU 5 Star Leader (now Advanced Sea Kayak Leader) and is a registered Maine Guide. He has continued multi day tours including the Bay Of Fundy, Baja, the entire outer coast of Vancouver Island and much of the Maine from mid coast to the Canadian border. His traveling instructional tour de force includes working on symposium and courses, all over the Northeast, Tybee Island, San Francisco and the Pacific Northwest.
Gerry prides himself on his coaching in active open water conditions, most especially, the work he has done introducing paddlers to their first taste of active conditions. While the thought of open water can be intimidating to the uninitiated, Gerry often says "no one goes to an amusement park for the food". He creates a drama free zone through an individualized approach and keeps the chest pounding to a minimum - kinda.